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MAC.OSX.Hacktool.Rubilyn Removal

What is MAC.OSX.Hacktool.Rubilyn Trojan horse infections are one of the most feared ones. And with good reason. These viruses are extremely damaging to the systems they infect and are capable of many malicious actions, including opening backdoors for other threats. MAC.OSX.Hacktool.Rubilyn is a representative of...

MAC.OSX.Tetricycle Removal

What is MAC.OSX.Tetricycle MAC.OSX.Tetricycle belongs to the category of Trojan infections. A Trojan virus or a Trojan horse is a type of malware which infiltrates your Mac and starts performing malicious operations. Due to the fact that MAC.OSX.Tetricycle uses rather similar tactics to the Trojan...

Application.MAC.OSX.Cowhand Removal

What is Application.MAC.OSX.Cowhand Application.MAC.OSX.Cowhand has been classified as an adware infection. These infections are known as unwanted applications whose main purpose is generating revenue for their creators. Usually, they do this by displaying tonnes of ads and pop-ups on users’ computers. Due to the fact...

Exploit.MAC.CVE-2016-1757 Trojan Removal

What is Exploit.MAC.CVE-2016-1757 Exploit.MAC.CVE-2016-1757 is a dangerous Trojan Horse infection. It is both stealthy and destructive. A virus like this is more than capable of spying on its victims, as well as wreak total havoc on the infected system. Hackers can monitor your online activity,...

MAC.OSX.iServices Trojan Removal

What is a MAC.OSX.iServices MAC.OSX.iServices has been categorized as a Trojan infection. The so-called “Trojan virus”, or “Trojan horse” is malware which infiltrates computers and performs malicious operations. The virus is called “Trojan” because of the tactics it employs to infiltrate the system. It makes...

Application.MAC.OSX.Tweak Removal

What is Application.MAC.OSX.Tweak Application.MAC.OSX.Tweak falls into the category of potentially unwanted applications (PUAs). These programs are capable of infiltrating your Mac without asking you for any permission. Considering this fact, Application.MAC.OSX.Tweak should be instantly removed from the system as it can seriously threaten your online...