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MAC.OSX.Niqtana Trojan Removal

What is MAC.OSX.Niqtana MAC.OSX.Niqtana belongs to the category of Trojan infections. A Trojan virus or a Trojan horse is a type of malware which infiltrates your Mac and starts performing malicious operations. Due to the fact that MAC.OSX.Niqtana uses rather similar tactics to the Trojan...

Application.MAC.OSX.Intercepter PUA Removal

What is Application.MAC.OSX.Intercepter Unwanted applications are often the cause behind the abnormal advertisement content you see every time you open your browser. Application.MAC.OSX.Intercepter falls into that same category – it is classified as a Potentially Unwanted Application, or PUA for short. This type of malicious...

Application.MAC.OSX.AoboKeyLogger PUA Removal

What is Application.MAC.OSX.AoboKeyLogger Application.MAC.OSX.AoboKeylogger has been categorized by malware researchers as a Potentially Unwanted Application (PUA). This malicious software is responsible for the abnormal amount of advertisements that are being shown every time you open your browser. Consequent to the heavy ad attack is your...