What is CapitalProjectSearch
CapitalProjectSearch is advertised as a useful tool, which will optimize your browsing experience. In reality, it is a malicious app, designed to monitor your online experience, collect private data and display a large quantity of adverts on your screen, some of which may lead to dangerous third-party websites. The longer this parasite stays on your mac, the worse the consequences will get. That’s why you need to remove this application as soon as you detect its presence on your device.
How it is distributed
The most common distribution methods used by this PUA (potentially unwanted application) include freeware, fake update messages, shady ads and redirects, etc. In most cases, the user is unaware that they’ve installed this program on their Mac. This can happen when you’re not paying close attention to the installation and mindlessly click the ‘Next’ button, in order to finish the process ASAP. Do not make this mistake! You should thoroughly read every step in the Setup Wizard, and choose the Custom/Advanced option when available. Malicious programs are often included in installers as ‘additional software’. So, if you see any optional installations, we highly recommend unchecking the boxes next to them. If you choose to ignore them, or fail to notice their existence altogether, they’ll just get installed by default.
How it operates
Bogus applications such as CapitalProjectSearch are known to make your browsing a hellish experience. The parasite will produce tonnes of annoying advertisements, which will interrupt whatever you’re trying to do online. No ad blocker will help you in such situations. What’s worse, the ads will be specifically targeted to attract your attention. This is possible because the PUA is programmed to spy on your online activities from the moment it gets installed on your Mac. This way, its creators will be able to obtain personal information like IP addresses, GPS coordinates, passwords, credit card numbers, etc. And that’s not all. With time, your browser will fail to work properly, since it won’t be able to keep up with the numerous adverts thrown its way. This could also affect your internet speed. You need to understand that ignoring the ads will not solve the issue. You can’t know for certain which ad is safe, so there’s a chance that you may infect your Mac with a dangerous virus with just one click. There is a way to prevent all this from happening. You just have to remove all traces of this parasite. If you want to regain control over your browser and protect your privacy, follow the instructions below to learn how to get rid of the CapitalProjectSearch parasite.
Staying safe from CapitalProjectSearch
Apart from having a reliable AV software installed on your Mac, there are other things you can do to ensure your device’s safety. We highly recommend you to:
- Pay close attention when you install third-party software, especially torrent files, so you don’t install shady additional applications that you don’t want. In most cases, that’s how malicious parasites are able to infect your computer;
- Read any Terms and Conditions you see, so you know exactly what you agree to. The last thing you want is to unknowingly give permission to a nasty virus to infiltrate your Mac;
- Follow links that lead to trustworthy sites only;
- It is best to visit only reliable and official websites. You never know what dangers might lurk behind an unfamiliar site;
- No matter how attractive an ad is, if you are not familiar with the website it redirects to, it might be best to steer clear of it and not click;
- Always check the sender’s email address before opening a message. If it states that it’s from an official company, compare the email with the one given in their official page. If there is no match, delete the message, since it most likely is fake and has malicious aims;
- Don’t open email attachments from unknown senders. More often than not, such files carry infections that can seriously damage your computer.
How to manually remove CapitalProjectSearch from Mac
If you’ve had the misfortune of getting your Mac infected with the CapitalProjectSearch PUA, the instructions below can help you to remove it manually. Here’s what you need to do:
1. Go to Utilities. You can do that by using the ⇧+⌘+U key combination, or by going to Finder and choosing Utilities from the Go main menu at the top.
2. Find Activity Monitor and double-click it.
3. A list will be displayed. Find any processes that seem suspicious to you and use the ‘Force Quit‘ option to quit them completely.
4. Open Finder. Click on the Go button from the main menu at the top, and choose Applications. An alternative way is to use the ⇧+⌘+A key combination.
5. Look for any suspicious applications, especially ones with a name similar to CapitalProjectSearch. If any are found, right-click on them and select the ‘Move to Trash‘ option.
6. Remove any related left-over files by going to Finder‘s search bar and typing the name of the app you want to remove. Make sure to modify the two drop down menus above to ‘System Files‘ and ‘Are Included‘, so that any hidden files are visible for you to remove. Once you find the files you want to remove, simply drag them to Trash.
7. All that’s left for you to do is remove any related extensions to CapitalProjectSearch from your Mac browsers.
For Mozilla Firefox extensions:
- Open the Firefox browser and from the ‘burger’ menu in the top right corner of the window select ‘Add-ons’.
- Select any suspicious extensions that may be related to the virus and click ‘Remove’.
For Google Chrome extensions:
- Open the Chrome browser and select Tools > Extensions from the menu (the three dots in the top right corner of the browser window).
- Locate any suspicious extensions that may be related to the virus and remove them.
For Safari extensions:
- Open the Safari browser. From the Safari menu choose Preferences. Select Extensions from the options at the top.
- Find any extensions you think are related to the virus, select them and click ‘Uninstall’. A new window will show up asking for confirmation. Click Uninstall again, for the extension to get deleted permanently from your browser.
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