Apart from using the built-in Mac menu bar, you can copy and paste text or files by using your keyboard. In this article we’ll explain which are these particular shortcuts and how they work.
1. Go to the desired text or file that you want to transfer. You can select multiple files and move them to another folder, or copy text and paste it to another field.
2. Select the text you wish to copy. You do this by clicking and dragging your mouse across it, in order to highlight it. To select a file, you must simply click on it. If you wish to select more than one file at once, just hold down the Command key on your keyboard while you select each one of them.
3. Press the Command and C keys to copy the selected files/text.
4. Next, go to where you want to paste the copied files/text. Press the Command and V keys, in order to transfer the item.
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